Pohjanmaan Raamattukoulu

Raamattukoulun akateemisena johtajana toimii seurakunnan pastori Tero Fredriksson, PhD (North-West University), MDiv (Grace School of Theology)

Syyslukukausi 28.8 -11.12.2024

Kristinuskon perusteet 2 op
klo pikkupurtavaa ja yhdessäoloa
klo 19.00-20.15 opetus (Daniel Yap)

4.9, 2.10, 6.11 ja 4.12 eli kuukauden ensimmäisenä keskiviikkona on opetustauko

The GGWO-church in Vaasa was founded at the beginning of 1997, and at that time the church’s pastor was Juha Haatanen. The church started off with meetings in homes, where a small group of people gathered on Sunday mornings to listen to the Word of God. A little later we started to gather also on Wednesdays. From September 1997 we rented our accommodation, Forum, at Rauhankatu 8. We left the address at 31th of December 2011. After that all our weekly gatherings were at Methodist Church at Rauhankatu 12. Today we gather at Raastuvankatu 44. The meetings form the basis of our teaching and preaching activity. However the leaders and volunteers are trained in the Ostrobothnia Bible School.

More information concerning the spring program and the degrees offered to be announced in the near future.