Ulkoilmaretki - Open air trip 2.7.2010
We are going out to nature and having worship meeting in the open air on 2nd July this summer. There we will have a very nice program and we also eat what we catch from the sea. And as a backup we will take saucages with us so in case there isnt any luck with the fishing we wont starve. The place is that longest bridge in Finland. It is located ca. 5 miles from Vasa to north. We travel there with our cars and start is 6 o´clock from our church.
Olemme menossa 2. pvä heinäkuuta Raippaluodon sillalle. Siellä pidämme ulkoilmakokouksen ja kalastamme sekä grillaamme nuotiossa joko saalistamme tai grillimakkarat. Mukaan saa tulla mummat ja vaaritkin, ketä vain kiinnostaa lähteä yhteiselle retkelle. Lähtö klo 18 Forumilta ja paluu viimeistään 22.00 Tervetuloa mukaan.
Nooan arkki - Ark of Noah

Kuvassa näkyy Nooan arkki rantautuneena Araratin vuorella. Muutamia kuukausia odoteltuaan vesi oli laskenut jo niin paljon että maa kuivui ja arkki tyhjennettiin. Lue 1. Mooses 7 luvusta lisää.
In the picture you can see the Ark of Noah stranded on the Mount Ararat. Few months more waiting and the water has lowered so much the ark can be opened and all set free. You can read about this in Genesis, chapter 7
- Klaus -
Bible College continues
Bible College continues following way next weeks: this week we have school on Wednesday and Thursday from 12.00 - 16.00 And then we have pause with the lessons because of the summer leaves we all have.
Then we have to see how August will be scheduled. Welcome to learn God´s word.
- Klaus -
Terveiset - Greetings
Pastori Magnus Gustavsson lähetti terveisensä meille kaikille Filippiineiltä missä hän on perustamassa uusia seurakuntia tähän 40 miljoonaisen asukkaan alueelle. Hän toivoo meiltä esirukouksia että kaikki menisi hyvin siellä ja Herran varjelluksessa moni paikallinen löytäisi tiensä meidän seurakuntaamme siellä. Hänellä oli myös toiveita mahdollisesta tuesta täältä päin, kaikki apu olisi tarpeen koska myös avun tarvitsijoita on siellä paljon.
Pastor Magnus Gustavsson send his greetings to all of us from Philippines where he is building up new churches to this 40 million people region. He wish that we remember him in our prayers and everything goes well there in the protection of our Lord. So many would found our church there. He also wish he could find some economic support from us, because so many is in need there.
Pastor Magnus Gustavsson send his greetings to all of us from Philippines where he is building up new churches to this 40 million people region. He wish that we remember him in our prayers and everything goes well there in the protection of our Lord. So many would found our church there. He also wish he could find some economic support from us, because so many is in need there.
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